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A web page dedicated to a discource on U.S. American politics and how it inpacts the Black ethnic population within her borders.  It also Offers a sharing understanding of America's Black culture.

The American Skeane
A web page dedicated to a better understanding of American politics and how it inpacts the Black ethnic population. It is a

At M.A.J's Page Sharer
A web page dedicated to placement as a home site  for the book entitled Shorn Sharer...and its author Mitchell Alexander Jackson

And a special page by Ms. Melanie| My Every Day Life
A personal journal Web page of Ms. Malanie Adams.  This includes personsal thoughts, moments of aspirations, hesitations, and inspirations.

theWayside PAGE ...Share page

I'm Mitchell Alexander Jackson
(Feel free to BROWESE the stories--maj)


. Tails Of Otherness & Etc.

This page should be of interest to the casual reader and the student of writing and literature. Peruse.

The matter of interests presented at this juncture is in story (narrative) format. These are vignettes of America's Black culture and that community's strivings and failings--of their strengths and fallibilities. An occational poem is also available--a different mode of unvailing the lives and endeavors of America's second largest minority group.

These stories and poems (both being added to over a period of time) may not address any one particular concern. Indeed, such an attempt would be considered "preachie." The present-day practice of writers and editors are to keep a respectable distance between story content and a "morality lecture." The other extream is to "make it fun!" The expressed throughts the unveloping concerns of America's Black community are here offered as a "pleasant read"--and hopefully a "reflective read."

So, find time to browse--even upon a sea of troubles!

The Wayside PAGE Literary
  • Let Lester Lipton Live A Little Longer, Ladies!
  • POEM
  • Spring Paradise
  • ETC.
  • Notes
  • Notes
  • Mitchell Alexander Jackson ,,,The Author of S h o r n S h a r e r introduces


    The Wayside Page
    Mitchell Alexander Jackson ,,,The Author of S h o r n S h a r e r

    ATLANTA, GEORGIA...All rights reserved... ©November 21, 2003

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