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A web page dedicated to a discource on U.S. American politics and how it inpacts the Black ethnic population within her borders.  It also Offers a sharing understanding of America's Black culture.

The American Skeane
A web page dedicated to a better understanding of American politics and how it inpacts the Black ethnic population. It is a

At M.A.J's Page Sharer
A web page dedicated to placement as a home site  for the book entitled Shorn Sharer...and its author Mitchell Alexander Jackson

And a special page by Ms. Melanie| My Every Day Life
A personal journal Web page of Ms. Malanie Adams.  This includes personsal thoughts, moments of aspirations, hesitations, and inspirations.

theWayside PAGE ...Introduction

I'm Mitchell Alexander Jackson
(Feel free to BROWESE the stories--maj)



The Wayside PAGE...

Is an expression of Black concerns within the broader American fabric...
  doings desiring of the "American Dream."

SharingAt The Table

The purpose for this gathering is to SHARE the uniquely Black experience–an expression of "inclusion" within the greater America. It is an assessment of present events and progress with a concern for future course. And in so doing, an accounting may be assessed–with hope of redress--to go beyond the cliche of "we agree to disagree." Doing is fostered through intent--not through the mere thought on "doing."

These pages will aid the viewer to attain a better understanding of America's impact on his/her personal experiences--economic and otherwise. As the purpose of these pages is to engage persons outside the Black experience, encouraging that individual to explore his/her experiences and find common bonds--needs and practices–between his/her American experiences and that of the Black community.

These pages seek to go that extra step: to engage in problems that impact the lives of the American population in a way that the responsive individual may also take that extra step by confronting the governing practices of the governing body on the local and national levels---thus influencing in a manner that improves concerns relating to policies and practices of domestic and foreign affairs.

On the community level:

  • Expect to see a presentation of true concerns for the Black community.

  • Expect to grasp a picture of the struggles of a Black America reaching for that "American Dream"--at times faltering but inspired to persevere.

  • Expect to see a picture of an "uprooted" segment of the American citizenry since its inception strive at re-rooting itself in a soil that claimed so many during that ignoble period of slavery and the periods of struggle following.

  • Expect to see that "root" cultivated in a way to "integrate this minority group into the mainstream of American economic and political interests and practices.
  • In short, expect to leave these pages with a picture of a minority segment of America--the Black population--holding onto the principles of the Constitution--its guarantees--and reaching out with undying hope to attain for the many and to maintain for that fortunate number not "privileged" but has already attained--the "American Dream."

    In the tradition of a "community of thanks-giving"(--not unlike the Pilgrims of old), this poem--"Of Precedence"--s offered as much as evidence as the mood of these pages as is an undying statement of gratitude to the America's recent president---Mr. William Jefferson Clinton. Thus is it a fond thought of the America so lovingly embraced.

    Of Precedence

    And now--you and your misses, on your way
    To dreams untended and to hopes anew,
    Those "virgin territories"--as shall ensue
    On "turning the reins over," as they say...
    As democratic process deems okay.
    When stepping off, departing from the "few"--
    That August three-tier ruling retinue--
    "Hail and farewell"--yours was the one bright ray!

    Go knowing that the sun has not yet set:
    You "ministered" with an even hand;
    Your note in history shall forever stand:
    Melodic strains of grace--such sweet fiat!

    Yes, dullards pray that yours was just a lark;
    But we who "know" say you have hit the mark!

    ---Extracted from S h o r n S h a r e r
    by Mitchell Alexander Jackson.

    With the warmest of regards, "welcome" to an enlightening period of sharing... Welcome to The Wayside PAGE.

    Let the SHARING begin....

    Find time to browse--even upon a sea of troubles!

    Mitchell Alexander Jackson ,,,The Author of S h o r n S h a r e r introduces

    The Wayside Page
    Mitchell Alexander Jackson ,,,The Author of S h o r n S h a r e r

    ATLANTA, GEORGIA...All rights reserved... ©November 21, 2003

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