The purpose for this gathering is to SHARE the uniquely Black experience–an expression of "inclusion" within the
greater America. It is an assessment of present events and progress with a concern for future course. And in so doing, an accounting may be assessed–with hope of redress--to go beyond the cliche of "we agree to disagree."
Doing is fostered through intent--not through the mere thought on "doing."
These pages will aid the viewer to attain a better understanding of America's impact on his/her personal experiences--economic and otherwise. As the purpose of these pages is to engage persons outside the Black experience, encouraging that individual to explore his/her experiences and find common bonds--needs and practices–between his/her American experiences and that of the Black community.
These pages seek to go that extra step: to engage in problems that impact the lives of the American population in a way that the responsive individual may also take that extra step by confronting the governing practices of the governing body on the local and national levels---thus influencing in a manner that improves concerns relating to policies and practices of domestic and foreign affairs.
On the community level:
In short, expect to leave these pages with a picture of a minority segment of America--the Black population--holding onto the principles of the Constitution--its guarantees--and reaching out with undying hope to attain for the many and to maintain for that fortunate number not "privileged" but has already attained--the "American Dream."
In the tradition of a "community of thanks-giving"(--not unlike the Pilgrims of old), this poem--"Of Precedence"--s offered as much as evidence as the mood of these pages as is an undying statement of gratitude to the America's recent president---Mr. William Jefferson Clinton. Thus is it a fond thought of the America so lovingly embraced.
Of Precedence
And now--you and your misses, on your way
To dreams untended and to hopes anew,
Those "virgin territories"--as shall ensue
On "turning the reins over," as they say...
As democratic process deems okay.
When stepping off, departing from the "few"--
That August three-tier ruling retinue--
"Hail and farewell"--yours was the one bright ray!
Go knowing that the sun has not yet set:
You "ministered" with an even hand;
Your note in history shall forever stand:
Melodic strains of grace--such sweet fiat!
Yes, dullards pray that yours was just a lark;
But we who "know" say you have hit the mark!
---Extracted from S h o r n S h a r e r
by Mitchell Alexander Jackson.
With the warmest of regards, "welcome" to an enlightening period of sharing... Welcome to The Wayside PAGE.
Let the SHARING begin....
Find time to browse--even upon a sea of troubles!
Mitchell Alexander Jackson ,,,The Author of S h o r n S h a r e r introduces